We’ve Moved.


In May of 2019, we have moved our Raleigh office to better situate us closer to the action on Jones Street. We are now located at 213 E. Lane Street, Raleigh, NC 27601. Since are always on the go serving clients, we have changed our phone number to (336) 625-5128, which connects you with our secretary that keeps us all organized.

For your records, our new contact information.

Office Address: 213 E. Lane Street, Raleigh NC, 27601

Office Phone Number: (336) 625-5128

NC Senate Chamber

North State Journal: North Carolina’s top lobbyist

NC Senate Chamber The short session at the N.C. General Assembly was relatively short but packed full of policy and…

Brubaker ranked leading lobbyist at NC Legislature

The top leader in the North Carolina House during the mid-1990s is now atop a nonpartisan group’s list of the…

Chamber honors many, including Citizen of the Year Harold Brubaker

The Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce 92nd Annual Meeting, held at Pinewood Country Club Friday, celebrated a stellar year for the…

The 50 Most Powerful People in North Carolina Politics

Politics is about people. That's why we set out to rank the people who are making the biggest difference in…